For all you Gates haters

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I would love to pass judgement, but like Emily said, I would guess thats probably true. The truth is that these people didnt come to power because they love everyone else and want to better the world, (those people work quietly). They want to become the biggest and best and enrich their own lives. Perhaps in their later years they will get old- realize they have too much money, feel bad, feel generous, or want to look good as they go out and leave a good family legacy (Rockefeller, proclaimed the worlds most hated man, gave away millions). Gates gave away millions, positive PR is worth billions. Gates whether Microsoft likes it or not is the icon of their company, if he falls they fall, he rises they would very likely rise. You cant have your icon tarnished now can you? Microsoft with one of the largest reserves of cash worldwide could easily afford to help Bill out a little on this one.

Jobs is smart, but has a great reputation. (also not nearly as rich as Bill). Look for Jobs to go the philanthropic way when the ol rep starts to go down.

On the other hand I didnt even read this article because I dont trust multinational media conglomerates controlled by a select few to give me the real truth. So who knows what his real motives are.
p0werslave said:
I watched a video on him in comp tech, he used to take acid and stuff, pretty cool I guess.

why do you think the designs of apple stuff is so off the wall? Also why do you think they are so expensive? Its becauser Jobs needs to make up for that 10% overhead, so he can pay the dutch for his next LSD mule to come in from Amsterdam.
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