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When I hear the word "flute", I think of those things my elementary school music teacher made us toot on in music class. Wait...that was flutophone, i'm sorry. :D Nice flute, Emily. I used to be in orchestra and the flute does make for a beautiful addition to classical pieces.
one thing comes to mind....american pie quote: involving the words (in no particular order) flute, up, i and stuck.....there's more but i won't say...hahahhaha

that's a lot of flutes....heheh

hahaha, talk to a couple of people at my school . . . flutes turn them on :p

they call themselves "the azn band fags" . . .

seriously, to them, its not an insult! its weird!
I don't love it cause of how it looks, it's how it sounds and plays.

well it better sound good, i know the flutes/flute players in our school band definately didnt sound good. ****ing flutes!! . i lost count of how many time we were given extra practices to make them sound good !!!
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