favorite game of all time

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Favorit games
-board game- chess
-pc game- Elder Scrolls III Morrowind
-counsol game- .hack series
Favorite PC game ever... Fallout 2

i can play that over and over it was just so perfect!
i love that game, in fact im still playing it sometimes, i have the best way to start a game, after the temple, skip klamath (for now) and go to the den, go to the crackhouse, and find the guy in the back that sells stuff, kill him, take all his stuff, then go to the front and kill that guy and take his stuff, now go to klamath and you have goods to trade and money to get sulik out, then get good weapons for each of you, (and armor) go back to the den and kill al of the slavers and free vic and the slaves, it rocks and your karma soars!!!
PC=Freespace 2,Starcraft,Jumpgate.
N64=Perfect Dark and Goldeneye,Zelda OOT.
NES=Zelda 1,Metroid
SNES=Super Metroid
GCN=Metroid Prime,SSBM,Windwaker.
GBA=Link to the Past 4 Swords,Metroid fusion.

Or are only allowed to pick one? :confused:
dethangel said:
i love that game, in fact im still playing it sometimes, i have the best way to start a game, after the temple, skip klamath (for now) and go to the den, go to the crackhouse, and find the guy in the back that sells stuff, kill him, take all his stuff, then go to the front and kill that guy and take his stuff, now go to klamath and you have goods to trade and money to get sulik out, then get good weapons for each of you, (and armor) go back to the den and kill al of the slavers and free vic and the slaves, it rocks and your karma soars!!!

nice to see someone else who loves that game as much as me! It is so easy to go back to and get immersed in all over again!
doom was the first pc game i ever played and so i have to say it was pretty awesome.
next came diablo 2 and i played that for 3 yrs straight, i jus recently gave up the addiction though... sweet, sweet diablo...
I agree..Deux Ex was fantastic.

Another one is Thief and Thief 2...I can play those over and over again. The fan missions are great too.
I still like a very very very old game: Death rally. Doom and Duke Nukem were also my good games. Now it's:
PC: Unreal tournament 2004, Colin McRae rally 4, and sport games
Board games: chess
Card games: poker is the best
PS: i don't have any newer games for PS but i like Destruction derby 2
I don't have Far Cry and I haven's played it yet but i hear it's great.
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