Don't Copy That Floppy!

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I watched the entire 9 minutes. . . . . . now I have it stuck in my head. I wont copy dat floppy but I will copy that CD/DVD :p
I lasted about 2 minutes... that was painful. I'm gonna go shoot up in the corner now to distract myself from life's painful realities.

I watched the same amount of time as macdude but i got the song stuck in my head. Dont copy that floppy. HAAHAHAHaAhHaahHAh
Nubius said:
how about "Dont P2P that DVD" :p
That more like the current state of things in this millenium.
The attitude now days is "Like why bug your freinds down the street for the lastest in games when you leech off some total stranger instead."
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