Does Sex Sell?

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Solid State Member
Does anyone here think Sex Sells? I watch the Paris Hilton Hamburger commercial and it doesnÂ’t really want me to buy a burger, but I do enjoy the commercial. Do I go to Carls Jr. No. Somethings work. I have taken a shot at a bar because the waitress was really good looking and dress to kill. Thanks to Franky Wedge ( so very hot.) I now have a free trial to Napster Music. I guess I didnÂ’t purchase anything, yet? Do I use Wesson Oil b/c of Mrs. Brady? I have said too much. What I did buy is the the T Mobile. Not so much b/c Miss Zeta Jones is hot, but it seem to fit my needs. And she is hot. *** it. Needless to say this thing busted shortly after I bought it. Doh!
Is it selection? Sex continues to be the most popular marketing tool out there? Does that mean it truely works? Would people be buying products regardless?
"you and meee- Baby ain't nothin but mammals, so let's do it like they do on the...."

Well, that's a stupid question. LOL :p
It works or corporations wouldn't spend millions of dollars on it. Look at the herbal essence commercials... lol ... or the axe body spray ones.

Gosh, it's all over so it must work. Plus, being a guy, I know it works.
I personaly think funny comercials work better for me. Instead of seeing a **** on the TV i would rather watch one of those funny ones from the Super Bowl or NASCAR races.
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