Counter Strike Source, 5 Years On

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if i buy a used copy off of ebay, can i play MP with the key? or will it not work for me since the key will have been used (by the previous owner of the game)? i cant remeber if i have any online games that i bought used.
I an addict of CS 1.6 I have played it for quite a while and i still enjoy playing it when I get a chance too. I think what does it for me is the same as alot of you have said. Each gun requires a different skill set whether you are CT or T. I also like how everything is even all player smove the same speed and such and like other have said it is all about the skill of how you handle your self in game. I love that you can hear footsteps to determine where your enemy is and i love the ability of shooting through walls.
I've played many years ago and then just recently. What is the difference between source and 1.6? How do I know which one i have? Isn't Source a updated 1.6? Like a patch?
source has better graphics and more physics than the original 1.6. The visual difference is enormous as well as the fighting mechanics, such as recoil, cross hairs and what not.
Hmm now that makes me wonder which one i have. I bet I have 1.6 because it came with my purchase of HL2 back when I bought that many years ago. I think it was like 2002 when I bought HL2 but I could be wrong.

Is it free to update to source?

Edit: just got home for lunch and fired up Steam. I have CCS: Source it states. So nevermind
Ah the good ole class Counter Strike. Theres basically 2 kinds of FPS genres now, slow tactical shooters like CS and fast death match based shooters like UT3 and Q3/Q4.

It makes me miss the days me and my cal-m clan used to own it up in 1.6. The days of K-sharp and his ridiculous awp headshots and Team3d losing to clan SK every year in the CPLs :p
I gave my son my 9800GTX for Christmas, so he could play some new stuff.....he played FarCry 2 for about 30 minutes......then right back to his usual....Counter Srtike Source....Left 4 Dead....Warcraft 3....Diablo 2.....I believe the video card is wondering if it will ever have to kick into high gear :p

There are times when we will play UT3 on our home lan together....other than that, the card never gets a good work out!
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