Cool Idea

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some very crazy ideas there.........

but it would be pretty **** cool. think of the possibilities....
i thought all waves had radiation just the higher frequencys (gamma) were more vileont to our bodies...well maybe thats just year 9 science..
gamma radiation is not a wave, it doesn't have a frequency. it is just energy that travels really fast. and since it doesn't have a mass, it passes right through most things, since there are huge spaces between and inside atoms. if the nucleus of an atom was the size of a golf ball, the first electron shell would be around the outside, at about the same radius of a sports stadium. so it has a lot of empty space.
apokalipse said:
gamma radiation is not a wave, it doesn't have a frequency. it is just energy that travels really fast. and since it doesn't have a mass, it passes right through most things, since there are huge spaces between and inside atoms. if the nucleus of an atom was the size of a golf ball, the first electron shell would be around the outside, at about the same radius of a sports stadium. so it has a lot of empty space.
Ruthuford proved that with his scatering experiment.

BTW: it can't go through lead.
i bvelieve that gamma has a has wavelenght.........and yes it is just energy..........but it does have the shortest wavelength, just after x rays, so if will have a frequency.........just cause its enegry dont mean it got no freq........photons.....classic examples......duality of light..........and in a cfell fone.....its radio waves.....mostly.........which of course are elctro magnetic waves......(just like gamma and x rays) you cant stop gamma, cause if you did it would stop existing........and yea.....wont go thru lead.........i think thats also cause of 2 things.....thats the final product of fission(heavy) and its quite dense. 92 is the atomic mass.
I think that the closest ever made, a little like this, was when they removed a monkeys arm and attached (spelled wrong, know it...) a robotic arm instead with electrodes, directly on the monkeys brain. It didn't work well though... but the monkeyt did controll the arm.
Erm they have technology that is getting close to that I think, them little chips they have been putting into animals to ID the animal if it is lost. Also a family in florida that has a son designed the chip and uses it in his familys arms to keep track of there entire medical history so the doctors don't allways have to look at old records....
a chap in england did something like that, he put a small chip in his arm, which sent out signals to his office when he was nearby, so he would just walk in, the recievers will then open his comp, start downloadin his mail, its something, not everything.

dnoch: is that better then?
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