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Golden Master
Well I'm at senior year, and I really can't decide what I want to do with my life at this point.

I really love computers, however I can't program my way out of anything, (but I do know HTML and a bit of CSS) and I'd love to stay in the IT Field, but still have a job that could support just a one member household. I also have a bit of novice Networking skills too.

I was thinking Pharmacist and Biomedical Engineering for a while, but I realized that its really not for me.
What do you want to do? I mean what do you have a passion for? If you didn't get paid to do something, like say when you retire what will you be doing in your spare time?

Choose what you feel would be the best fit for you right now. Realize that most people don't stay in the same career throughout their entire life, and that you can change your career path at any time. Choose what you like right now and what you know will be a good fit - then make it happen (because it is your decision not ours:))
Even that question stumps me because I can't decide o_O

I think I'd like to do Networking or hardware related stuff
I taught myself AutoCad with a $50 book and then I got a job with a Structural Engineer. 20 years later, armed with a High School Diploma, I'm self-employed (have been for 5 years) working 9-3:30 (at my office) with 1 to 2 hours for lunch :D I do most of my work at home thou. The Housing Market is starting to pick back up, people don't like living on the streets, so I'm good to go.

Just find something you like and try it. If someone tells you, you can't, do it anyways. Never give up and always push forward. It's worked for me :D
Im in the same boat, out of high school, no job, love computers but dont have a specific path in mind. so I've decided for the moment to get A+ certified and get my basics (AA) at a technical college. I figure that would give me 2 years to get some experience (hopefully) with an IT (or an office grunt) related job and time to decide what I want my major to be at a larger college.
maybe go into computer science? I don't know how it is everywhere but at the college i'm getting ready to go through it seems like a jack of all trades thing. Computer science, software engineering, programming, networking, database stuff, OS stuff....just a big mix of different classes. So it kind of involves all the bases of computers. And I'm sure it'd be a nice door to most IT jobs too.
I'm in the same boat mate. I have taken several courses in computer science and other computer related things. Personally i would boil it down to a pro's and cons lists. Do you like programming, do you like dealing with hardware. Would you like thinking up idea's for software. Do you like helping people with problems. Do you like the math behind hardware, like would you want to deal with the binary logic gates type of stuff in hardware. The problem i have, and the thing i think your having as well, is that i enjoy every one of the things i listed, i am fairly skilled in most of them (other then programing, i only know basic html coding, and base binary which isn't really what you would be doing in programing anyway). Another problem i have is i am not just interested in computer, i am also very passionate about math, and science.

So what i have been doing is thinking about what i think about every day, and what i could see my self doing in that career, and finding out which one would fit me best. Like sure i would love to be a computer guy, but my gut tells me to go to what i love most, which would be astrophysics. I have always wanted to go into the science field, and i have not always been interested in going into a computer field. So i will most likely go into science, but who knows.

So my point is, when your doing something that you really like it is easy for you, so try out (if you have not already) all the things you like, and find out which one you like best, or which one you get pumped up about. For me if someone handed me a science question/problem that needed to be solved, i feel excited doing it.

Sorry about the spew, hope this helps in a small way.
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