Can'y login locally

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Solid State Member
I have been trying to bypass domain logon on some systems so that I can upgrade the machines

All the machines are set up in a school with strict policy settings to limit student access.

I have admin rights but I'm blowed if I can work out how the previous admin guy has got a script running that changes the registry before the logon screen appears.

The machines are windows 98se logging on to a NT domain. I'm not in a posiiton to re-install the software on these machines but I need reload network device drivers if I could logon to Windows locally!

The current logon screen doesn't permit me to escape the logon but forces me to logon to the domain which is useless for offsite repairs.

I found this script embedded in another script - can anyone tell me what this does exactly?



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\????? Computers Ltd\Network]
"Server Path"="\\\\%servername%\\users\\"

The ????? represents the name of the previous admin people who won't help me incidentally.

I tried that.

I even managed this evening to boot into windows safe mode

I changed the network settings from domain to windows logon

Rebooted and the domain logon appeared again
Before I do remove it does anyone know what this filename is. I can find user.dat on the NT4 server but not Is there a way of concealing a profile on a server?
I presume I save this as a bat file and call it from autoexec.bat so that it overwrites this entry on every boot?
Just to make sure

So, I presume also this sets to 0 the logonvalidation and therefore enables me to escape to windows out of the domain logon?

Sorry, I'm not reg savvy and I guess you are !
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