Can Not Access File From Server, Or Workstation

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Beta member
I am trying to access my files that are on my server (Windows Server 2003), from my workstation (Windows XP Pro) and I keep getting an error; the error is: The Local Device Name is in Use. Connection Not Reset.
Thinking I may be able to access my files directly on the server, I tried to access the same folder. There also I had an error, this error is: Access Denied (folder) Not Accessible. I Googled both of these problems to quite an extent to no avail. I found a Support Document from Microsoft concerning file encryption from a workstation could possible remove the servers admin access. So I looked into this and I found that this folder has an attribute of "A". This I also Googled and could find nothing about it. So, I decided to take it to a forum and find out what others thought or maybe had experienced in the past.
Thank you,
Caleb for Peacemaker Minstries
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