Best PC games all times

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As far as older games are concerned

Deus Ex
No One Lives Forever 1 & 2
Aliens vs Predator 2
Fallout & Fallout 2 {these are a must}
ALIEN VS PREDATOR 2??? dude that low budget game doesnt deserver to b on top 5 ur on drugs, 420 when u posted?
5. Half Life
4. The Elder Scrolls Series
3. Diablo
2. Civilization series
1. World of Warcraft

These are some other games that I feel deserve a mention.

Sims/ Sims II
Sim City Series
Doom Series
Warcraft Series
Ultima Series
Zork Series
Myst Series
Baulder's Gate I/II
Command and Conquer Series
Fallout Series
Knights of the Old Republic I /II
5. Grand Theft Auto Series!
4. Knights of the Old Republic! (Nice story with you choosing your own destiny)
3. Metal Gear Solid 1-2! (sad to say this is the only mgs on the pc)
2. Blizzard Games! (another score?!)
1. Oblivion! (Every mod will give you at least 1 + hour of gameplay!) (love this game!)
I think the top 5 should be games that have blazed the trail. These would be IMO:

Civilization (Sid Meier is a freakin geneous)
Diablo II
oh...oh...Donkey Kong!
1. Doom
2. Doom
3. Doom
4. Doom
5. Doom
6. Castle Wolfeinstein
7. Duke Nukem
8. Civilization
9. Sim City
10. Lemmings
11. Might and Magic
12. Diablo
13. Quake

That's all I've got off the top of my head.

Don't just jot down the games people play today and call them the "Best PC games of all times".

If I see a "best" list with Crysis or Bioshock in it I'm not reading any further. It is good, maybe really good, but to compare it with a legend like Doom? Lunacy.
3.)battlefield series
5.)bioshock (really liked it)

Honorable mentions

Duke nukem
Baulder's Gate I/II
nwn 1 and 2
Half-Life series
5. Grand Theft Auto Series!
4. Knights of the Old Republic! (Nice story with you choosing your own destiny)
3. Metal Gear Solid 1-2! (sad to say this is the only mgs on the pc)
2. Blizzard Games! (another score?!)
1. Oblivion! (Every mod will give you at least 1 + hour of gameplay!) (love this game!)

GTA all the way! 5*****. I was waiting for someone to mention them.
Half-Life 2
Battlefield 1942
Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
Deus Ex
Call of Duty 2
Team Fortress 2

I like all the modern sequels of the games better, (Oblivion over Morrowind, BF2 over 1942, COD4. Only sequel that sucked was Deus Ex Invisible War) but I thought the older ones deserved more recognition.
1. Starcraft I/II
2. Diablo I/II
3. Call of Duty 4 (never played this [Probably never will] but it seems very underrated)
4. Half Life Series (never played this [Probably never will] but it seems very popular)
5. Bioshock (never played this either)

I'd like to change this answer to move COD4 to number 2, because I've played it and it ROCKS I like it more than Halo... and thats saying a lot

1. Doom
2. Doom
3. Doom
4. Doom
5. Doom
6. Castle Wolfeinstein
7. Duke Nukem
8. Civilization
9. Sim City
10. Lemmings
11. Might and Magic
12. Diablo
13. Quake

That's all I've got off the top of my head.

Don't just jot down the games people play today and call them the "Best PC games of all times".

If I see a "best" list with Crysis or Bioshock in it I'm not reading any further. It is good, maybe really good, but to compare it with a legend like Doom? Lunacy.

haha Duke Nukem, I'm here to kick "butt" and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of gum
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