Battlefield Games (Mostly BF2) and Widescreen...

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I really enjoy playing the Battlefield games every now and then, at least I used to. Since my old monitor died and I purchased me new one, I have been unable to play BF2 because the game doesn't support widescreen (1680x1050 to be precise.) Is there any kind of LEGIT method to get the game to support this resolution? I have tried adding "-szx 1680 -szy 1050" to the target line on the icon, but it's not working at all. I have also tried the Widescreen Fixer here PC Projects - Widescreen Fixer but have gotten nowhere with that as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
this is really strange. i used to have the EXACT same problem with my widescreen. then i switched back to my 15" monitor for a month, resinstalled BF2 (cracking it failed :)). then i put my widescreen back in, put the bit on the end of the command line, and it runs perfectly in widescreen. no idea what i did.

also, since im using Vista now, BF 2142's Punkbuster doesnt probably execute resulting a kick out automatically out of every game i go in (i last in any game like 10 sec).

anyone know what is wrong? Or should get a screenshot n post it later?
go to punkbusters website and download pbsetup.exe. then add all your games to the list and itll update them manually. this is what i do, seeming as none of the games pdate themselves.
I still can't get the widescreen to work. I'm just gonna uninstall it. Screw EA.
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