Avatar level CGI, when will we see it in gaming?

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Daemon Poster
Now before anyone says anything. Yes Crysis is pretty **** impressive on max settings. Obviously the movie Avatar is still superior, though it goes for a more "obvious" CGI look, then trying to go with a gritty realism look.

Regardless, how many years do you think it will be until video games look so detailed, so many organic looking, fluid, movements and environments that it really does start to come close to reality. As in 99-100% perfect water movement, including when objects are thrown into it and the like. 99-100% accurate foliage reaction to explosions, human interaction(stomping on plants) etc.

I personally don't think it will be too long. It depends how much money a company is prepared to throw into a ground-breaking realise. Just as something like $300mil was thrown into Avatar. I'd guess 10 years and we'd be doing well. I mean **** compare a shooter in 1997 to Crysis in 2007...we've come along way. I don't doubt a spectacular FPS in 2017 will blow Crysis away.

My only concern is companies are starting to pander to the "casual gamer" a little too much for my liking. I mean we have new RTS games which are scrapping the base building aspect totally. Likes of C&C4, Dawn of War 2, I admit Dawn of War 2 is half RPG really, but C&C4 has no excuse in my books, ruined the series with this game. I'm starting to waffle on so I'll stop now, hope you enjoyed the read and feel free to comment.:thumbsup:
Once we have a perfectly functional physics model on the molecular level that's able to run on enthusiast-level hardware (i.e. a GPU able to process a small model universe :p), that's when we'll have awesome graphics, and perfect water simulation and such.
Once we have a perfectly functional physics model on the molecular level that's able to run on enthusiast-level hardware (i.e. a GPU able to process a small model universe :p), that's when we'll have awesome graphics, and perfect water simulation and such.

....are you saying it'll be...AGES... by chance?:neutral:
as soon as March, when fermi is released
LOLLL Fermi will be very far off rendering realistic water in real time..

When will we see Avatar like graphics, physics and stuff ? perhaps in 15 years. A graphics card/cpu takes several hours to render some water being poured into a cup. To render it in real time as just a minor part of a massive scene whilst doing everything else is a LONG way off. I'd be amazed if it was here in 15 years.
Yeah...there's a reason Avatar cost a billion million dollars :) it's HARD to make stuff look that good.
And as mentioned, that's not even in real time. I'd say we're more like 20 years off still. sigh...
Especially as moore's law will definitely end soon. They just can't fit much more power onto a CPU without making it bigger/hotter/thicker anymore which would be impractical for a small desktop computer.

I mean, look back 15 years and we've came a massive way. Look back 5 years to games like CSS, and the difference isn't too much. Physics, pretty much the same. Textures, similar. Lighting and stuff has improved.. thats about it. Yes, they're is an obvious difference between current games and those from 5 years ago, but they're has been very few big technological leaps, just improvements.
Yeah...there's a reason Avatar cost a billion million dollars :) it's HARD to make stuff look that good.
And as mentioned, that's not even in real time. I'd say we're more like 20 years off still. sigh...

actually it's buget was ~$239million lol

but yea i think we are still far away. Things haven't gotten that much better in the past few years.

Personally the only this will happen within the next decade is for something to be invented that totally changes EVERYTHING about how graphics are rendered in computers. Basically it would have to be as big as the invention of the micro chip :\

As oreo said..you can't fit much more. And that's basically all that is advanceing. Is anything that much newer? no..they just through more threads/shaders/cores/etc on it and call it newer pretty much.
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