Asperger's Syndrome

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Nubius said:
I use quite an array of facial features and gestures.

You don't hit people up with the "peoples eyebrow" do you? :p

Well I understand Aspergers a little bit. You can learn how to fit in a bit more and how to handle situations better if you want. I am aware that it won't be easy, but you will get better at it. You are lucky in a way because you at least found out why it is that you have a difficult time in situations that the rest of us take for granted. Many people with disorders such as Asperger's never find out the source of their anxiety.
Nubius said:
lol, man reading that article that was linked, I qualify for like 3/5 symptoms.

just last night I kept hearing this whiney high pitched squeal from my box fan and thought to myself "man my ears pick up the weirdest crap" My friends TV would make a high pitched noise that I was always irritated by and he never noticed....then I pointed it out to him then it started bugging him lol.

As far as depression goes I think I can pretty much say there isn't a nerd here who hasn't faced that.

Social Anxiety Disorder, or as I like to call it S.A.D. :p mark me down for that one too. I dont qualify for the 'taking things literal though' I'm highly sarcastic, love sarcasm, pick up on it fairly easily, I love humor and I use quite an array of facial features and gestures, but still....I think some of those symptoms applies to a huge number of people

I always hear high pitched squeals from TV's

I can hear it thru a floor on a different level on most TV's
I step in a house and I can tell you if a TV is one, and usually how many.
oh crap we all got it!

My parents said I was crazy when I told them I could tell the TV was on just by walking in the door lol. If our cable box is turned off, there won't be a picture on the screen, but I can hear that crap all the way from the other end of the house.....THE AIR FEELS DIFFERENT I TELLS YA
lol, i have same problems. Me and you are very similar people, as you prolly know :D

Im always here to help you man, dont forget that.

About those squeling noises, i HATE them. Also the repeating noises is a killer for me. any kind of pattern will get on my nerves.
Yeah people silently typing gets on my nerves and I hear the TV's too

And see the difference between 40 and 65 FPS :grr:
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