Are you a four-eyed type nerd...?

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1) Yes
2) Stigmatism

Isn't it 'astigmatism' ??

Anywho, my eyes suck, no glasses though...I have some that are prescription from a long time ago that no longer help lol...they need to be rechecked. My parents are in their 50's so of course their eyes are bad haha.

1 brother has glasses....

yeah I didn't put it in your uber leet format...oh well :p
1. Do you wear prescription spectacles/glasses?
2. What type of vision defect do you have?
3. Do your parents also have this defect?
err...somewhat yes
4. If you have any brothers/sisters, do they have the same defect?
4. When did you start wearing spectacles?
5. Roughly the age you began using computers.
1. No, but I was prescribed reading glasses about 23 years ago.

2. Astigmatism, I think. My eyes tend to focus just above the page when I read. The more tired I am, the worse it gets.

3. My mom does. My dad has developed near-sightedness due to age.

4. Had a sister, and she was slightly near-sighted, wore glasses.

5. I was prescribed reading glasses when I was around 13 or so. They lasted about three months before they broke... I haven't seen them since...

6. I was 16 or 17 when I got my first computer, I think. That was around 20 years ago.

My wife is near-sighted, and has glasses, nott hat she wears them very often. Our daughter is slightly near-sighted, and has glasses, but is like her mother...
1. Do you wear prescription spectacles/glasses? contact lenses
2. What type of vision defect do you have? near-sighted
3. Do your parents also have this defect? yes
4. If you have any brothers/sisters, do they have the same defect? brother has almost perfect vision
4. When did you start wearing spectacles? 5th grade, found out i needed glasses in 3rd
5. Roughly the age you began using computers. 8 yrs old


Thanks peeps :D. Interesting to see if there is any rough correlation with VDUs :D.
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