Anyone here not going in the IT Career?

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Who said anything about programming? I am not a programmer by any means, even though I am learning a little right now.

I am more into networking, but networking was not offered as a bachelors where I go, but ISS is. Every network has to be secure, so there ya go.
I wanna get into the hardware side... Big ticket installs, supply/life-cycle upgrades, fiber/Cat-5 runs, the stuff that no one wants to do... but yet is a must before any LAN or network can come online... :)
What are you planning on doing with that i'm curious.

not sure yet..i've still got a few more semesters to go.

the banking & finance is just 5 more classes and marketing is only 3 more classes with the business administration. so i figure why not go ahead and get 2 more degrees while i'm at it..they all use the same core classes. plus it looks better having 3 degrees than 1 :p
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