Anyone else use torrents?

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Oh please........ :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, back on the subject that we orginally talking about.....
csamuels said:
actually, when using the computer term the correct plural form of virus is viruses.

Busted for downloading - im thinking of stopping illegal downloading because of this link
Well considering that every time i go to the cinema, I get that "DOWNLOADING MOVIES IS STEALING ! : REPORT IT !" ad just before the main feature. It is some thing to watch out for.

Not sure if there is any bounties / awards on that. I know for a fact that the B.S.A.A. only give rewards out for COMERCIAL / BUSINESS USERS caught pirating. There is no reward for home users getting busted. So I can not imagine it being any different for movies either.

I did have a freind get his Optus Cable Account Suspend as he was downloading "WAY TOO MUCH" Copywrited Material. The ISP suspended his account as he had a complaint from the copywrite council down here.
But I look at 2 other factors here :-
1. He was with OPTUS "WE-DO-WHAT-WE-DAMN-WELL-PLZ" CABLE internet. You read their contracts, that they don't like you doing "excessive downloads", but the problem is that they will not define what is considered "excessive"
2. Mate of his did do a KAZAA search on child p**n, and I think second that he did that, his account attacted a lot of attention form verious authorities.
In the end, my freind was given a warning since they did not have enough evidence that could hold up in court.

As for downloading movies, i really don't waste my time on that. Firstly, DVD's are cheap enough for my to purchase. Like 4Gb on BT takes about 4 to 8 days download. Why tie up my computer for that long when i can purchase it from EzyDVD.

Secondly, I have very fussy about picture and sound quality when it comes to watching movies. I did not invest $10 000 into a home cinema system just so i watch some Video-Camera-Job-in-the-Cinema version of a movie with poor quality picture and sound.
The problem with having a $10 000 home cinema system, it that is really amplised the shittiness of those pirated Cam-Corder jobs.
DONT use bittorrent unless u know how to make ur ip show up as or something like that. Alot of people got letters for using bittorrent even though they were blocking known AP2P tracker's ips.
Guys can somebody tell me how to speed up those downloads in bittorrent? I'm downloading that Republic Commando thing at 4 - 5 KB/S for a couple of minutes it went to 12 KB/S. I use a 1.5MB/S connection. Plus i disabled all firewalls except i think somethings blocking it at my router. I dunno how to open ports. Plus how do u download lots of stuff at once?
Private_Shon said:
Guys can somebody tell me how to speed up those downloads in bittorrent? I'm downloading that Republic Commando thing at 4 - 5 KB/S for a couple of minutes it went to 12 KB/S. I use a 1.5MB/S connection.

In your case since you are in Australia (like myself), install another Asia-Pacific Node and you will be right. I will check the whare house at work if I have any spare one's lying around.

Untill then, I think it might be best if you go down to E.B.Games and purchase yourself a copy of Republic Commando.
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