An Idea for boosting signals.

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Daemon Poster
Alright so I know this isn't really typical normal girly stuff to think about but I may be moving and I need to accept the fact I may not be able to pay monthly for the net...

But... there are many MANY free hot spots nearby (although nearby is several city blocks) to use....


I remember how Radio Waves can be used to power small (very small) devices, usually 60 feet of tightly "papered" copper wire to power a small flashlight. But, the energy is there, and is bombarding our houses, us, everyone - everyday. Sometimes used, most of the time not....

Then I remembered how you could boost a wireless signal with an ethernet cable, wrapped around a functioning cellphone, and plugged into your computer - although I have not tested this, I have seen domonstrations of it. This boosted the signals pretty drastically on a small scale.

Then I wondered if possible to combine the two... use Radio Signals to boost a wireless reception.

The idea was to construct a 2ft by 2ft square, that would be tightly woven with copper wire, this is effectively a "Dish" to collect waves, then connect it via Ethernet to a PC and see what pops up.

Anyone think this will work? Scaled bigger maybe?

Then I thought about it more and remember people making their own antenna in the same type of ways - using a wireless card and taking off the small antennae and instead using a large - high gain instead.

I want to get extreme ranges, it would be nice to hit that McDonalds from the comfort of my own house.
Can always try making a biquad antenna too (made from a satellite dish). Just google for Biquad Antenna and you'll get a bunch of tutorials on how to make one.
well I am also looking for some ways to get free/cheap power. I just estimated how much it takes to run my PC 100% for 8 hours a day for a month and I don't like those prices.... so I wanna convert some power from Sunlight/Wind/Hydro sources, or even Radio Waves and tone that downa bit, if not directly then by the rechargable batts used in my wireless devices (this way it cuts the cost of energy down from $50 a month)

Yea,thats right, $50 in batts and raw power from the wall outlet every month to run the PC for 8hours/day.
My roomy is a genius.. I love him for this idea.

Ok.. so... I was watching some movies and said "blah" to wireless signals - first I need to worry about power... namely batteries.. and he searched and found this movie:

Cordless Drill Crank Charge Batteries

Now.... I thought "sweet! I can make that tonight!" and he took it one step further....

Stirling Engine (using solar power to heat it up, crank system to turn the crank, or even build one ourselves with magnets and coiled wire) hooked up to everything to recharge a wide -supply of batteries at once, using a day of solar power to supply AA and AAA batts - and then in case of "over charge" concerns - having the rest go into a Car Battery - or just a Fan to keep things cool.

Yes you read that right.. using Solar Heat to Cool off. What a effing genius!

And it's all pretty basic too - I mean why don't we have these manufactured already? these Stirling Engines are genius inventions, and I could see them powering larger things, like say.. Cars.... pretty easily, except for the constant heating/cooling needs.... but it wouldn't be too hard to install these to a stationary object (say your house, or yard) and then using the sun power rechargeable batteries for use in Lights and such and common household stuff... I mean... zomg... with some money and tweaking I bet I could go off the power grid without losing any performance of anything.
It's not used as its terribly inefficient.

You get "free" power from cranking the drill to charge the battery........ But where does that energy come from? You... so food.. Which isn't free, and requires more food than what energy is produced.
Youre fan would suck way more power than you'd make, as motors are terribly inefficient, especially if you scrounge them.

You need to really look at the cost of solar equipment, large enough to power a modern home. Its extremely costly due to the low production, and overall inefficient.

The reason Stirling Engines arn't used is because theyre inefficient. Every moving part, inparts its friction to the system, this all adds up. You then need to have a hot side, so theres another inefficiency.

There are many systems better than what we have now, but they all have their issues..Just like fossil fuels have theirs.

I'm also certain you could not go off the grid and maintain the same performance
If youre this concerned on your power draw.... You shouldn't have bought one of the highest sucking rigs out there.
this was covered actually. Using solar mirrors or a special glass to focus the suns light, it actually uses the ol' magnifying glass type way to heat a pipe at the end of the engine. this can make a 2x4 burst into flames in about 15 seconds, so it has to be set up especially carefully. by directing the focal point to the engine part designed to be heated - it woudl provide the power, the cooling could be any number of fins or other devices. so no cranking is actually need, just daylight.

Since it can crank 1800 RPMs - turning magnets in giant coils would actually produce quite a bit of power, think a smaller version of HydroElectric Dams, and just with solar power. SolarThermalElectricDams ? lolz.

Iam not thinking "power my PC" but more of "power my LED lights" and "recharge my batteries." The fan Idea would need testing, it may be a series of smaller more energy efficient fans - and those could be set up to say cool a PC or cool the device side needing cooled off. It's actualy being tested on GreenSciences projects, because there are thousadns if not millions of people trying to cut costs or make the planet better off without pollution, and this would be a HUGE step into that.

BTW if i used all my batts I really want to,I probably would end up paying over $50 a month in batts. Lots of devices in this house use AA and AAA batts, and C's.... lots of C's.... My camera sucks batts like they are nothing at all, and my controllers/mice/keyboards all eat them fast if left on.

I am also not the first. MSI has actually been working on (or worked on and never released) Sterling Engine Processor Coolers.
I know all about bursting a 2x4 into flames, but a match can do that too, infact the industrial focal solar plants can create over 3000C. But its very expensive and technical to do useful amounts of power. The best solar plant that ive seen, and are viable home solutions, are lower temp liquid tube setups. Much less finicky for sun position.

Not sure if you know how typical power plants work, be it a fossil fuel or nuc or solar, (not panel), but theres minimal moving parts, thus parasitic losses.. frictions a *****!

That NB fans quite interesting. it uses the piston motion to turn the fan when the temps too high.

For battery charging, a solar panel would be your best option, You could easily rig up a panel to a regular charger, and free charge.

I just think, while is great idea, it's not a viable use for larger production.
well the reason for crank operated was also to hook to other things for cranking, not just relying on solar.

See I have this weird facination with 50's retro futurism props, and I was thinking.. what would be sweeter then to provide your own power while gaming for the "fat generation" of gamers? Old excersise bikes hooked up to crank for electrical power to recharge batts for wireless controllers to play Xbox 360 etc.

I would tie all this in together and it'll be a huge fad for me but probably won't catch on with anyone else, but I have some fat friends, and they try to work out and get into shape, but they still sit in front of the TV/computer for like 6 hours a day doing nothing but drinking energy drinks and eating and playing... .so I was like 'if thy won't go to the excercise, bring it to them instead." make em sweat and work for their levels.
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