access FTP server

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Baseband Member
I have two computers one runing linux, the other is on window and two of them are in the same LAN. I have just set up an FTP server using VSFTPD on the linux (fedora 7) one. I could perfectly access to the FTP server from the linux computer. However, when i tried to access from the window side, it couldn't do it. May I know that what is the potential problems here, Should I have to config any things before runing the ftp server in order for other machines in the same LAN to connect to it
You most likely have your IP address in the wrong subnet.

If the Windows computer's IP address is it is a class C address and goes by N.N.N.H (Network.Network.Network.Host). This means that the hosts may only occupy one portion, the final portion. and they could not communicate, and they could not communicate, and they could not communicate. Thus, if is what you are using for windows, thus wise you must set your Linux computer to 192.168.1.X, X being any number from 1-254.

Oh and if this is not the problem, then explain what the error is, there is nothing much I can do for you without knowing the specifics. What does Internet Explorer say when you attempt to access it?
Thanks for you reply sodaen, my linux and window machine, they are both under 1 LAN and get its IP from the same DHCP, my window IP is and my linux is, thus they have the same IP format 192.168.2.X.
When I connect from internet explore by type onto the address bar, and wait for a while , it just said can't connect to any server or some thing like that. Any more suggestions, please help

Was the error "User Anonymous Unknown"?

If so, then you must login with the username and password because you did not set up the FTP with an anonymous user.

It would go like this: "ftp://(name):(password)@(IP address)/"; for example, "ftp://chuck:doudle31@".

:( = : ( without a space

If however it is an error actually involving the network, it is most likely not accessible to any other part of the network, which either means the built-in Linux firewall may be blocking it, or the program is for whatever reason not accepting the connection from outbound IP addresses. Perhaps you are not allowed to access it because you do not have a reverse DNS address.
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