A+ questions

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Baseband Member
I have a few questions, that hopefully someone can help answer.

1. Is the test mutiple choice, fill in the blanks, or something else?

2. Is Hardware and OS $153 for both or a piece?

3. About how many questions are there on each test?

4. Anyone got links to free practice tests that helped you with the test?

Thanks Guys:)
1. Multiple chouce
2. A piece, you can get discount vouchers usually from online people. Total seminars sells them.
3. 80 on each one
4. If you but the total seminars vouchers you get 1100 practice questions.
personally i was disapointed how easy it was, i expected to be taxed

I finished both exams in less than half the availiable time and got over 80% on both, with only 1 days reveision for the second (os) test
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