A little lost....

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So I spent two years in college getting an associates in computer science tech. I want to repair PCs but there just isn't any demand for that kind of work in my area. Not even close. I see all these software engineer, network admin, network engineer, etc etc jobs and I realize that I have no idea how to do any of that stuff. My degree doesn't mean much. I learned....practically nothing at school. I learned some VB and C++ but not even close to enough to put it to practice. All the other classes were "lawl learn Office 07 and what a hard drive is!!" As if I had no idea how to do that before.... What should I be doing? I don't know how to use MySQL or anything else and all of the web development stuff really interests me. I just have no clue where to start!!! I'm clueless. Any help?
The computer job market in any area is completely flooded. Mostly anyways, if you search long and hard enough you will find something.

Anyways, start with certifications such as

Some microsoft certs couldn't hurt either.

Just do your own searches, and this is a good website for your interest as well:
Free MCTS MCITP CCNA CompTIA CWNA and CISSP exams and study notes

Like I said, look around see what you are interested in.

The real money in any job is when you get a MA or PhD..
So I spent two years in college getting an associates in computer science tech. I want to repair PCs but there just isn't any demand for that kind of work in my area. Not even close. I see all these software engineer, network admin, network engineer, etc etc jobs and I realize that I have no idea how to do any of that stuff. My degree doesn't mean much. I learned....practically nothing at school. I learned some VB and C++ but not even close to enough to put it to practice. All the other classes were "lawl learn Office 07 and what a hard drive is!!" As if I had no idea how to do that before.... What should I be doing? I don't know how to use MySQL or anything else and all of the web development stuff really interests me. I just have no clue where to start!!! I'm clueless. Any help?

Yeah, there are a lot of flooded markets out there. Just like STE and others have said in other threads, experience and some certs will help immensely, but the foundation is much stronger if it includes a Bachelor's at the least. So don't give up, just maybe try to stick it out if you can bear the time and costs to do so. I think it would be well worth it. I have heard people who have made it so to speak say it wasn't an easy road, but they hung tough. You can do it if you really want to, you know, the "where there's a will, there's a way" shpeal ? ;)

There are other options, other vocations that may interest you :

I have an instructor at my college (my SQL class) and he is a database administrator. He pointed out that of all the kinds of computer jobs, who has the most control ? The database administrator. They control data, which equals money to banks and virtually all industries for that matter. Money runs things, but money is exchanged electronically via data, and the database administrator has control of the data. His point was a DBA is pretty valuable, cause he has the keys to the data which, the way he put it was more convincing than I can do justice to. :p

So the point is whether you go for web design, network administrator, or whatever, the basics get you started and you have to start somewhere, but in time and with a lot of effort you will probably reach your goals, no matter how improbable that may seem right now.
Well said guys.

I just wanted to add that while the market is flooded with low-level techs, there is plenty of higher level technical jobs. A lot of people are just starting in the IT field and a lot of other people lost their jobs and moved into the IT field because it wasn't as hard hit as other fields.

With that said you have an associates, so you are ahead of a few. If you have the money and time I would definately try to get your bachelors. For one it will put you ahead of a lot of people starting out. The other side of that is the market will open up in the future, so you would benefit in that area too.

You would also benefit from getting a few certifications.

Find what you like and focus on that. There are a TON of computer people out there that know 'a little of everything' but there are very few that are extremely good at one thing. Focus on what you enjoy and make a career out of it. Sounds like you like web development - start focusing on that.
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