2 questions about changing my ip address.

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Solid State Member
First off, i'm trying to change my public ip address, but nothing seems to work. I'm using a router to connect to the internet and it is done wirelessly.

Question 1: i'm not sure that im using an external ip address but i think its has something to do with lease times

Here my lease time is 1 hour apart. So if i were to unplug my router for an hour, would it change my ip address

Question 2: If i have an external ip address, how would i go about calling my isp, do i just ask to change my ip address, ask to change it to a dynamic ip, does it cost anything etc etc.

I'm considerately smart with computers but super smart about it, so please try to dumb it down.
Your external IP address is assigned to you by your internet provider. It might stay the exact same for 10 years, or it could change 10 times a day. Its totally up to them, they control it. You can find it by going to web sites that give it to you, such as What Is My IP Address - Shows Your IP Address. Your internal IP is assigned to your computer by your router, you control this, and can make it whatever you want within some limits. You can call your ISP and ask them to change your external IP, but they will likely say no.
He's correct. Most ISP's will not change your External IP Address since its usually DHCP, and not static. Most External static IP addresses are used by businesses.
I wanna go back on what I said earlier, it may be possible to "trick" your ISP into assigning you a new external IP address.
Short version, unplug the power from your modem/router overnight, try it in the morning. This depends on your ISP's lease time.
Long version and explanation read this: How Do I Change My IP Address

it has been left off overnight without change, is there anything at all i can do because i know for a fact that i have done it before a long time ago, i just cant remember how.
If you are directly connected to the modem you got from your ISP you can open up a command prompt and type ipconfig /release to release your IP address, then type ipconfig /renew to get another, this should do the same as unplugging the modem. It might not work if that modem has DHCP turned on though because then you would just be releasing and renewing your internal IP address instead of the external IP.

You could also very well just be reassigned the old IP address. It depends on how the ISP is set up.

As for internal and external IP addresses, that just means what is on the other side of your modem....what websites use to send data back to your network...the inside address is what you configure on your own router.
it has been left off overnight without change, is there anything at all i can do because i know for a fact that i have done it before a long time ago, i just cant remember how.

I plan on doing this, but i need more information.

Will it cost anything to change it?
Do i need a reason to change it?
no and no. the only reason I can think you'd need to change it is if you're consistently targeted by hackers and such. then it might be prudent to change your IP but other than that there isn't any reason I can think of that a normal end user would need to change their IP. It's like changing your house address. if people are sending you pipe bombs, change it, otherwise there isn't any benefit to doing it.
it has been left off overnight without change, is there anything at all i can do because i know for a fact that i have done it before a long time ago, i just cant remember how.
That was back when dial up was used. Those changed everytime you dialed in. Now no software will trick the world into seeing a new IP. Only your ISP can do this. And yes that is all that can be done.

If you are directly connected to the modem you got from your ISP you can open up a command prompt and type ipconfig /release to release your IP address, then type ipconfig /renew to get another, this should do the same as unplugging the modem. It might not work if that modem has DHCP turned on though because then you would just be releasing and renewing your internal IP address instead of the external IP.

You could also very well just be reassigned the old IP address. It depends on how the ISP is set up.

As for internal and external IP addresses, that just means what is on the other side of your modem....what websites use to send data back to your network...the inside address is what you configure on your own router.

That will only assign Windows a different IP. That will not change your IP to the world.

It will not cost anything to change it. But you will need a very good reason. Most ISP's will not just change it cause you got banned from Blizzard or Steam using that IP or another website. They only have a limited pool of IP's to use and they are not going to just reassign one cause you got in trouble with this one and want a new one. Almost all ISP's that i contact do request some sort of reason why you want it changed.
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