10 Worst XBOX Games??

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The worse game on xbox is, guess what?

Halo, and Halo 2. --> Just Kidding, those are the best, but I know a stupid game on xbox, I forgot the name, but it was a ninja turtle game. The graphics were cartoons, and I was wondering why in the world is that game for xbox.
Has anyone pre-ordered Halo 2 from anywhere? Any ideas on where to pre-order?

I think pre-ordering is a better idea than camping outside BestBuy for a week...
I don't play X-Box very often, but that Bruce Lee game was the worst game i have ever played on X-Box or any new-generation gaming system, it pi$$ed me off cause it was so dumb not to mention easy! And for an X-Box game i haven't seen a game with worse graphics.
oh God Azurik was a pretty craptacular game. I'd have to give that the honor of achieving the fecal award. What a piece o'crap.
Dont know what I would say the worst game is cause I havent played many of Xboxs games yet. Has anyone played that true crime streets of la game? I wanna know what thats like cause I have heard several different things about it.
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