My Clicking Game: This Problem and Others to Come

Setting up on your own desktop is where you'd install WAMP or IIS + a database.

And if you want to access it outside of your LAN, you'd need to forward the appropriate port(s).
Okay, I deleted that last post because I solved it on my own :D. Yeah I port forwarded port 80 to my desktop and tried to access my server on my phone and it worked i'm so happy these things don't usually work for me the first time around :D.

Now i'm thinking about domain names and external ips and such. I have a dynamic external ip right now and I want to be able to access my server from something that isn't a number ( Do I need a static external ip for this, and how would I go about changing the external ip to a domain name?
(If absolutely needed, I will see my ISP for costs on static external ip, but if this can be done with a dynamic ip, then great! :D)
Usually have an external static IP is reserved for business-class users, or costs a lot for residential use.

Easiest way to do it is use a dynamic DNS provider. There's some out there for free, others are paid. Look into which one suits your needs.

I just setup an A-Record on my host's DNS Zone File config to point my domain to my IP address. Bad thing about this, is that if my external IP changes, I have to manually change the IP on my host's site to match what my IP is now. Only time that happens though is when my modem loses power for more than a few minutes.
Usually have an external static IP is reserved for business-class users, or costs a lot for residential use.

Easiest way to do it is use a dynamic DNS provider. There's some out there for free, others are paid. Look into which one suits your needs.

I just setup an A-Record on my host's DNS Zone File config to point my domain to my IP address. Bad thing about this, is that if my external IP changes, I have to manually change the IP on my host's site to match what my IP is now. Only time that happens though is when my modem loses power for more than a few minutes.
Okay, thanks, got setup with no-ip and downloaded their dynamic adapter :D.

Next order of business: creating a login system so that I can store players' progress on the server. Can you get me pointed in the right direction? :)
How do I go about making a sql database on this game that I am hosting right off of my computer? I was watching a few videos about making a database, but all they did was go to their host site and do it from there (not actually make any files). How would I do this on my self-hosted site?
I assume you're using MySQL and not MS SQL Server. Make your life easier and use a GUI to do it:
MySQL :: MySQL Workbench

Create the database, add / setup the fields in the table(s). Create a user account with limited permissions to the tables (basically only the stuff it will need to do, like read/insert/update the table(s)).

Then hook it up to your site by adding a PHP file with your DB connection info, and include it in your other PHP page(s) that will need DB access.
I assume you're using MySQL and not MS SQL Server. Make your life easier and use a GUI to do it:
MySQL :: MySQL Workbench

Create the database, add / setup the fields in the table(s). Create a user account with limited permissions to the tables (basically only the stuff it will need to do, like read/insert/update the table(s)).

Then hook it up to your site by adding a PHP file with your DB connection info, and include it in your other PHP page(s) that will need DB access.

Thanks, I wasn't sure if I asked my question clearly enough but you answered it correctly xD
Okay, so I have a problem with the wamp server this time. The wamp icon in the tray is usually green, right? And that means it's working. That was the color it used to be, then I restarted my computer and started the wamp server back up. Ever sense it has never been green, just orange. I've tried using the start services and stop services buttons, still doesn't work. When I press the "put offline" button it says "Could not execute menu item (internal error) [Exception] Could not perform service action: The service has not been started." Please help, as even the localhost URL does not work.
Start -> Type in 'Services' -> find the WAMP / Apache / MySQL services and make sure they're all running and set to "auto" for startup. I've had similar issues a few times, was usually a stuck or manual-startup type service.

If that doesn't work, then look through the WAMP logs. Can't remember off hand where they are, but you may be able to access them from the icon.
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