Borderlands 2 for Vita

Played it! Random impressions:

It is quite literally the same damn game as ps3. It's borderlands 2 in your friggin pocket you guys! (Take that Nintendo!)

They saved memory by cutting some of the background down and limiting in screen enemies but it is hardly noticeable.

We have to wait a week before we can send our ps3 saves to the vita. Unexpected and also BULLCRAP!

Also, the game is gigantic in size if you download it. It's probably best to grab it on a card if you don't buy the bundle.

Oh and the controls. They aren't bad, up to the point where you have to use the back touch for some of the functionality. You can, however, customize your button scheme so I moved crouch and exit vehicle to the back.

I am amazed that they were able to deliver this game on the Vita. You know when you buy a portable game based on the original, you'll get a slightly less version than the original, but you have to hand it to the developers...this port is pretty damned awesome for what it is!
shut up and take my money oh wait you're gearbox you already broke into my room in the dark of night and smashed my piggy bank open and tied up my stuffed animals and robbed me blind.
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