Upcoming 32nm Intel Clarkdale CPU Hitting 4GHz

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Amen to that, been disappointed lately.

upcoming awesome games "starcraft 2" will not even need crazy puters.

this is actually a good thing , though it would be nice to max out our puters with astounding graphics from time to time. remember opengl quake? doom3?
Prototype is pretty sweet, but there's a lack of really good games...I mean, I guess if you're an FPS guy, you're good to go, but not many games are coming out with any real depth or a varying style. I think the only FPS game I can truly tolerate lately has been FO3, but they aren't really the type of game I like playing.

I miss real RPGs. :(
Personally i blame the ******s that are making games. There is no reason for anyone to make pc games when all the bros buy games for 360 and ps3. At this point pc's are going the way of the dodo.
There are some good games that people don't tend to hear about though.

I like Sins of a Solar Empire. (It's a space RTS)

Sins of a Solar Empire is one of the most underrated games of all time. It has exceptional gameplay and in my opinion is the best RTS currently on the market. It's unfortunate that so few people seem to know about it.
sins of a solar empire does not seem under-rated to me? Everyone who is into space rts games seems to love it...the problem is that not many people are into that genre...I'm one of them. They are too slow and drawn out for me. I see the appeal and how they are enjoyable but I'm more of a drop into instant multiplayer action for 30min - 1 hour and that's it.
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