one tiny usb jumpdrive

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matt2m said:
any smaller and I will have even more trouble keeping trackoff them.

I just lost the somewhat larger 64 megabyte flashdrive I got for free...either way, I want one of these. :D

You know, that technology should be applied to PDA storage and flash MP3 players. Micro-HDD players (like the iPod Mini and Rio Carbon) only have 4-6 GB of storage. Seems to me that a device like this placed inside would be a slightly more practical solution when such technology gets cheap enough?
I lost my 256mg micro mini flash drive it fell out of backpack the begining of the year.The last week of school my friend we messing around and on fell by the bushes we hangout at at the end of school and found it.Through the hurricanes and rain other wise I thought it would not work, it did and I am still using it.
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