What are you going to spend your rebate check on?

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Housing prices depend on a lot of factors. Where's it's located, shape it's in, money put into it, how big it is, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, functionality and what style house it is. Some house you can't ask a lot for and others you can ask millions for. I'm sure Trotter had his house inspected and appraised by the proper people and is selling the house for what it's worth.
maybe so....but i'd still ask 90k for it and see who bit. trotter, by the way...you know this is quite possibly the worst time in 10 years to be selling a house...right?
lol everyone wants to live in texas....people that say they dont want to live in texas just dont realize yet that they want to live in texas.
wherever i go...and i mean ANYwhere...be it south america, mexico, maine, new mexico, colorado, nevada, arkensaw (lol), new hampshire.. wherever..they are like..."yer from texas?" "wow" or "where's yer boots" or "do you have a horse" etc etc.
always interested.
now...the next time someone asks you where you are from, say "south dakota". and watch them go.."hrrrrmmmm" and walk off. lol.
(are there really people IN south dakota?)
now...the next time someone asks you where you are from, say "south dakota". and watch them go.."hrrrrmmmm" and walk off. lol.(are there really people IN south dakota?)

That's because by saying "I'm from South Dakota" you're just splitting hairs. It's really just Dakota, come on people you don't see people in Florida or California splitting up into two states claiming one is south and one is north.

And no, there's no people in South Dakota. It's really just a parking lot next to a Denny's, which is why it's so empty.
The "stimulus" isn't needed. But I'll take it since I believe we're overtaxed in the first place paying for social programs that don't work.

I'm undecided what to do overall though. I'm credit card debt free but I have a 29k dollar student loan hanging over my head. After this year I've saved enough to pay it off and still have 6k in savings. Single and 27.

Don't know if I should pay off that loan since its interest is tax deductable anyway. Also since that's usually the only deducution I qualify for, I dump that amount back into the loan. I could just hang on to all my money and keep paying off that 3% tax deductable loan while investing my liquid cash elsewhere - House, stock market, etc.

I need a good consultant.
lol everyone wants to live in texas....people that say they dont want to live in texas just dont realize yet that they want to live in texas.
wherever i go...and i mean ANYwhere...be it south america, mexico, maine, new mexico, colorado, nevada, arkensaw (lol), new hampshire.. wherever..they are like..."yer from texas?" "wow" or "where's yer boots" or "do you have a horse" etc etc.
always interested.
now...the next time someone asks you where you are from, say "south dakota". and watch them go.."hrrrrmmmm" and walk off. lol.
(are there really people IN south dakota?)

Lol i hate that...its pretty stupid. They forget about houston? Everyone knows houston is like chicago and La.
Austin and San Antonio is pretty nice. Austin is a young person's dream town (and some older) and then San Antonio is where they should go when they want to settle down.
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