Infinity, does it really exist?

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Its like the sound from a falling tree in the woods nobody listens to, does the sound exist?
I had a teacher that says 'no' to that question...his take on it is simply that sound is nothing more than waves ( of course) but it doesn't actually become "SOUND" until it is perceived by an ear and translated into something understandable by the brain.

So in essence, no a tree falling doesn't make a sound...does it make waves? yes

or something like that.

as far as 'if you can add inifite numbers together it'll = 1' you can't really saying that considering you can't add infinite numbers have no choice but to round it off to get an answer but if it's infinite then it'll never ever be 1
apokalipse said:
if you filled up the world, you could use a bit of Mars.
and if Mars got filled up, you could use the rest of the universe, and then go to paralell universes, or create some matter by distorting space and time.

or you could realise this: numbers aren't limited to whether you can write them down.
pi is an infinitely long number. but it exists as a number, but we are unable to calculate it exactly, because, it's infinite....
I think so far using supercomputers it's been calculated to at least 3 billion decimal places
I know it this far: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197 (I'm serious, I do remember that)

Haha, nice one. And I have no idea how the hell you guys remember that, lol. I had one guy in my Geometry class that could do that...
keba said:
We could say the whole world was filled with paper and all sides was written on with nano technologi. all possible methods was used for adding more digits, but it had reached the limit of 99999...

1) Of course paper will run out sometime....but who said the addition has to be done on paper?

2) Is the Earth all that exisits in the universe? There's plenty of room on Mars for paper I think, I've seen pictures.

3) Think of the bigest number in your mind....then add it.....guess what? You can ALWAYS add one more. Numbers are infinte.

4) Here is the definition of infinte........thats all there is to say about that.

It is Impossible for infinity NOT to exisit.
I was so fired up that I didn't even realize that I basically just reiterated what apokalipse said. :confused: lol

Oh well, I suppose great minds think alike. ;) is a deep topic though, but its pretty much an accepted topic. One of those things we just accept and dont ask why. Kinda like normal...but i don't want to go into that because me and a few members here have highly conflicting opinions on that.
Nubius said:
as far as 'if you can add inifite numbers together it'll = 1' you can't really saying that considering you can't add infinite numbers have no choice but to round it off to get an answer but if it's infinite then it'll never ever be 1
that's the problem using decimals for irrational numbers.
if you could add the infinite amount of digits like I was saying above, then it would equal 1
but it is not posible to add an infinite amount of numbers together by simple addition. you have to accept that no matter how many times you add, you will not get to infinite. in some cases though, you just need to look at the number and see what it's close to. like 0.999999999999999 is a number really close to 1 that you get by adding a finite amount digits together.
I think infinity is a definition that humans have classified to something that we cannot ever comprehend.

We will never have an explanation of the infinite, so we classify it...the easy way to talk about something we cannot understand.

Just like anyone who thinks they know how old the universe it, ignorance produces that theory. We could know nothing at all and think we know everything.
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