Hot Napster Girl

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Nubius said:
yeah, I don't believe in that 'exploitation of women' crap that you hear of. More times than not it's ugly ass women complaining because their boyfriends or husbands rather look at a girl who MAKES HER OWN CHOICE TO DO THAT CRAP, or they just have no self confidence, are ugly and want to gripe about something

"Ojbectification of women" what a joke....go bltch to the women that decide to do it, not us men for looking.

I remember having my house mate b!tch about my Japanese CineMagic Calander.
And again about a wall hanging that I had hanging up in my end of the house.

"Objectification" and "exploitation" where all the words that he used. And he's a little worried about this as he's a teacher and he might have "minors" in the house.
Over all what he was telling me was BS. So I told him this
"Okay, I will take it down. However if I see you walk into another adult book store, back up your porn collection to CD, or if I find your dirty videos in my VHS, I am going to report you to the department of education."
He shut up after that.

As for his MY DOCUMENTS directory, I currently made 2 back up of that. And one of these back up is currently with me just incase he decides to piss me off.
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