What's edgy have over dapper?

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I tried it, but the upgrade failed halfway through and screwed a bunch of stuff up :mad:
I think I'll wait till there's better feedback from it.


Probably a dumb one but I wanna be sure. I have two SATA drives. One has Win2k/Ubuntu Dapper on it. The other I use as a backup for my first drive's linux partititon. I set up a script to auto mount it/copy everything in my home folder/auto unmount it.

In the event I do a fresh install with Edgy on the first drive, the second drive, which has nothing but music, pictures, music videos, assignments, etc, will be still accessible... right? I'd just have to mount that drive... right?

I just never tinked around with other distros and was having the fear that for some reason Edgy wouldn't recognize files from a Dapper system... even though they're just .jpg's and .mp3's. But STILL... I wanna be sure.

Question 2: Is the above true even if I'd switch my main drive's distro to... Slackware? Or some other distro?
you shouldn't have any problems with your second drive.. and ubuntu should auto-mount it unless you specified otherwise in your install
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