Trying to set up a server.

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This is actually a compliation of a bunch of issues I've been having, and I think I'd really happy if I resolved them all.
So for starters, let me try to tell you what I'm trying to do in the end. Right now I have a domain hosted by Acenet (acenet sucks btw), and I want to port it all to my laptop (and my laptop is now stationary)(and later, when I get a dedicated server, I'll repeat all of the steps I used to get my laptop working as a server). A few things I want to do is host the page that's at right now, which is really a simple page. I also want to host a few other sites that will be subdomains of, like I have figured out how to make subdomains yet. The way I do it on Acenet's servers is to use a super user-friendly "holds your hand through everything so you don't have to learn big bad ol' Unix" interface. I can probably get that user interface, but I don't want to have to use it. I want know how to do it on my own.
So anyway, I tried to install Dragonfly CMS today so I could transfer to my laptop for starters, but I couldn't get it working because of a cookie issue. I even made a hostname at ( but that didn't help. I still got the "ERROR: Invalid cookie settings." message after it tested cookies. I even edited my php.ini to say session.save_path = /var/www/session.save_path and chmod 777 /var/www/session.save_path but it still didn't work. So after about 5 hours of fighting an uphill battle, I just decided to try another CMS, Xoops. Xoops installed okay, but no one can sign up for it because it can't send out the validation email to the users. So I guess I need to set up a mail server of something? I thought PHP handled the emailing. *doh* Guess not :confused:.
So all that aside, I at least wanted to try to set up FTP to transfer files from my Windows computer using a program to make things simpler to my Linux laptop without having to use shared folders and all that stuff. But I couldn't connect to my laptop. I even opened port 21, but I guess Apache doesn't handle FTP stuff?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give. I think the mail server thing and the cookie problem are the highest priority. The FTP thing isn't too important.
Am I in over my head on this one? I kind of feel like it. I really wish I could just host something. I got PHP5 and MySQL working just fine, but the FTP thing and the **** cookies aren't working right (at least cookies aren't working on Dragonfly, I don't know about other applications. I'd assume not)...

edit: What is my problem with the damned cookies anyway? I've been working on this for a good 15 hours. I'm ready to pay someone money to tell me whats wrong. I read up on Dragonfly's site that the version of the CMS I had didn't work with MySQL 5.x, but a CVS snapshot did work. So I tried to install it using the snapshot. It looked like it worked, but the problem persisted, the CMS just didn't tell me. I can't log in because I go right back to the log in page. That is a cookie issue isn't it? Not being able to log in? Is this an SQL error? Should I try the version of MySQL that is known to be compatible? I don't think that would work though, because many other people have gotton it to work with the latest CVS and MySQL5.
So is my problem that my server isn't sending the cookies to the users? Or it isn't saving cookie information to itself? Or what? Why aren't the cookies working? Why is this such a big deal? The people at aren't responding either, probably partly because their server sucks major ***. They have a P3 1.2 GHz with 512MB of RAM for their server.
It seems like there are no answers to my questions.
WHAT SHOULD I TRY NEXT??????!!!!!!1111
My eyes are heavy now. And my muscles are twitching from so much sitting and trying to figure out my server. The only gain I've gotton from today is exercise of my dedication. >_<
After a good night's rest and some morning breakfast, Lazer_viking said to his forum community, "Bump!".
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