Test Firefox 3 without interfering with Firefox 2

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Golden Master
If you did install the first beta of Firefox 3 and have Firefox 2 installed on your computer as well you might have noticed that both programs seem to share settings. Firefox 3 tries to load the extension list of Firefox 2 for instance and they get verified again when you start Firefox 2.
There is however a better way to test Firefox 3 without interfering at all with Firefox 2. The solution is called Firefox 3 portable which is basically the same browser created for portable use. The benefit is that Firefox 3 portable does not interfere with your current Firefox configuration at all.
This is great news if you want to test Firefox 3 without having to fear that your properly configured Firefox 2 browser gets damaged or inoperable during that process.
Ryan posted a great tweak if you want to run Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 portable at the same time. This is not possible unless you tweak the FirefoxPortable.ini, located in the Other\Source\ of the FirefoxPortable folder, and copy it into the root directory that contains the file FirefoxPortable.exe.
Open FirefoxPortable.ini and search for the line AllowMultipleInstances=false and set that value to true instead.
Interesting.. so it wouldn't replace my FF2... time to test that baby out.. and do some very harsh Errorsafe tests to see if it goes thru my system... (if things go wrong.. system restore...)
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