Save Unlimited Websites as Images

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Golden Master
There are several reasons why someone would want to save websites as images. I'm mainly thinking about saving them for documentation purposes such as presentations or for displaying changes in a website over time similar to what does with their snapshots of websites. The major advantage of Webswoon over other products that are capable of creating a screenshot of a website is that Webswoon may process an unlimited number of websites that have been added to the queue and that it is highly configurable.
You might want to start with the configuration before you start capturing images of websites. I started with the captures immediately and realized that the default output size for images was set to a width of 150 which is not very useful because almost no details of the website are visible in this resolution. I decided to check the options after this initial test only to find out that Webswoon has a lot of options.
The configuration offers three tabs, Program, Browser and Captures. The most important options can be configured in the Browser and Captures tab. You can select to open a browser window with the website that you want to take a image from, define its width and height and select if you want to display error messages if the website displays them.
You can select to resize the image of the browser window, remove scrollbars and other elements and select the format that you want the website to be saved in.
This is also a great way to test your websites in various resolutions without changing the resolution of your monitor in your computer.
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