Analyze your website's meta tags

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Golden Master
A great way to see if you are optimizing your site enough is to take a look at your meta tags and your keyword/content focus, A great Website Analyzer page I found shows you a heap of stats apart from these, which will not only allow you to check up on yourself, but also on the competition.
Basically it gives you a meta tag report, and then shows you a bunch of keyword statistics. What I find very helpful is that it not only shows you keywords on your page, but also the ones found in your anchor tags and image “alt” tags. Since search engines check both, it's a good idea to keep on eye on these. The analysis is ended by a huge keyword density table which will allow you to compile some hefty stat tables of your own based on it,and you can start working to get the density you want exactly.
The best use you can put it to is to check on competition. Take a look at how sites that have proven themselves got to where they are. Take a look at their keyword density and their anchor tag usage, try and mimic it, and perhaps you will soar into the Google top 10!

Analyze your website's meta tags
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