Call of Duty 5 New Info - Promising

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I love COD4 but they had to go back to WWII so I doubt I will get it.

Note to Activision: The world will not end if you produce two consecutive COD games that are not set in WWII.
any scheduled release date?

sounds interesting... But I will miss the COD4 modern warefare.
I think their best step would be to make another modern one, with slightly futuristic guns, and then maybe an even more future one for the next game.
Idc what anyone says...

COD 1 = best game ever made. I could play that game only for the rest of my life and be happy. haha. Sadly, they don't have random spawns. I know where everyone spawns and i can usually go through the whole game without getting hit but a few times.

I think the whole WW2 thing has been way over done. Korean war, vietnam war, desert storm....there ARE other wars, activision. hahah

Oh, and call of duty 271 has been announced for december of 2094.
Gee, im surprised that they would return to WW2, honestly i thought they had done all they could with it, hence why they moved on to modern warfare.

Not saying it's a bad thing, i love WW2 shooters, COD 1/2 = brilliant, COD 3 not so much :S.

Anyway ill be interested to see how the vehicles are implemented in comparison to BF which is the leader imo.
Yeah, that's my only rant against Battle Field is that when you are just joining a game in online multiplayer, no one has team work so it always ends up just being huge maps where you either snipe people or hardly run into them.. Plus the vehicles just seem to make it annoying... I think Halo is the only game to implement vehicles in the correct sense of things. At least it's Japan and pacific World War II and not europe again.
In all honesty, CoD1 = 1800Hours play time, CoD2 a little over 2900 hours, CoD4 a little over 110 hours.

CoD2 was just AWESOME. I loved it, it took skill, single shot Bolt Action rifles will never be beaten. I got good at it too, as you would after 2900 hours. I loved that game, everything was brilliant. CoD4.. added some random crap in that took away from the original and LOVED CoD formula, im sure a lot of you love it. But i don't... CoD2 was harder, with better maps and some truly awesome mods.

Ofcourse it runs like a dream now aswell (But i guess CoD4 is playable on most systems).

CoD5 will be a welcome return to WW2 for me. I'm just a bit miffed they seem to be adding perks again..
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