Who believes this

Disagree. I don't believe people to be predetermined to have certain non physical limitations or qualities. We all develop uniquely and can work towards what we want to achieve. No one is born already knowing programming, so the very statement "Programmers are born, not made." doesn't make sense due to the fact that people have to learn programming in the first place.
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I tend to agree with what GhOsT3121 said BUT I have encountered people who don't seem to be able to think in a logical manner which makes them completely incapable of programming. I would almost say the opposite is true, that non-programmers are born that way.
I tend to agree with what GhOsT3121 said BUT I have encountered people who don't seem to be able to think in a logical manner which makes them completely incapable of programming. I would almost say the opposite is true, that non-programmers are born that way.

This is what I was thinking. You have to be able to think logically. Learning the syntax isn't the difficult part - it's figuring out how / the best way to do something - the language is just a tool. It's up to you to figure out how to use the tool. Some people are better at logical thinking than others; some people have to work harder to figure out logic, and some yes are "born" that way, which makes programming come easier to them.
I agree with what carnage said. Syntax is easy. But putting it all together is a whole new story. Same as anyone can learn to paint but not everyone can paint a million dollar portrait. Take me for instance. Straight A student in college, aced all my math classes up to calculus, I like to think im pretty smart. Im currently teaching myself Java. The syntax is cake for me, and I understand all the logic behind it. But when I go to write a program I look like a retard trying to hump a doorknob. I just can't seem to piece a program together using the syntax I know. This is why im a networking major, not a programming major. :D
... The syntax is cake for me, and I understand all the logic behind it. But when I go to write a program I look like a retard trying to hump a doorknob. ...

You just gave me a terrible visual there, redbull.
Anyway, the opposite is true for me. The logic happens (sometimes literally) in my sleep.
The syntax is what kills me though, which is why I have never spent more than a week learning a programming language...
Sorry I never ment to give any realistic visuals. Just an expression of how awful it is when I program. Dreaming code...reminds me of that genius programmer kid who dreams code and he's like 14 and writes iphone apps and stuff. Pretty amazing kid. Now he was definitely born a programmer.
I don't dream code, if that's what you thought I was saying. xD
I've been learning binary logic by way of Minecraft Redstone for the past 3 or 4 years. Low-level logic is, in my opinion, harder than high-profile logic.

If this, then that. Add these bits together to get that, and use those bits to print this number to that screen.

It feels simple to me. I just look like an idiot when I try to make the computer understand what I'm trying to say.

Public static main void..? Or is it Args public main void static??
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I get what your saying. That first line of java did take me a bit to remember haha. Public static void main (String args []) usually I just try to figure out why what goes where, what it means, that kind of stuff. Then I can figure out, ok this needs to go here because of this. But im also just good at remembering stuff.
Memorization has never been my cup of tea. I need to completely understand what and why before anything (at all) sticks.
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