Free Devolping Tools

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I dont think i use any developing tools that are not free.
I have Visual Studio.NET is the only non-free IDE i have, however i dont use it, and didn't have to pay for it either.

If you are a Java programmer try eclipse, that is damn good.

but what are you after? most developing tools are free.
Terencentanio said:
Grr... Root32 ring any bells? You just randomly left and never came back.. lmao
lol, I knew where you were from, I was just kidding :p Yeah, hopefully I'll be back at root32 soon :)

As for free developing tools. If you want to start with python, all you need is to go to and download thier interpreter. Thats it's!
Good to hear! Altho it's going very slow at the moment, we're builting a dev team and we're gonna do things properly. Did a check over the code recently... lol @ exploits. I'm ashamed of myself... just goes to show you should never code when depressed :p

Ah.. python? *frown* ... I to this day have never found a use nor good thing about python. Be it wise?

Um.. I think Visual Basic is better for newcommers. Teaches some basic syntax and is easy. Only thing is tho, it's 'retarded' in the sense it may make you accustomed to english-like languages... which won't be good if you aim to eventually learn ASM :p
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