ZOMG i so want one of these!!

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I really want one. Looks very nice, plus i need to get rid of my old-arse phone. Motorola i730. Don't get me wrong, it's a good phone, but it's time for an update.
I want one too....that's awesome. I was wondering how long it would take them to make something like this.
There's been rumors around about it for a while. I probably wont ever get one, but you never know.

Plus, at the rate unlimited internet is going for [40/month] i dont know how smart it would be switching over to cingular. Considering that i have MetroPCS and pay 65 for unlimited everything. Maybe they'll make some CDMA one day, and ill be able to get one.
next stop, iRobot...........OMG GET IT, THERES A MOVIE CAL............ehh nevermind.
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