Youtube HD, what reasons would it run laggy on a pc?

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As title, wasnt sure where to put this so i put it here.

Its not a problem im having but in another forum i visit one guy said his pc(which is pretty old, 2600amd 1.5gb ram, radeon 9200 256mb) wouldnt run a youtube hd video without being laggy.

So what exactly is needed to run a youtube hd video? good processor/gpu?it cant be internet because you can simply pause any video until its fully loaded and THEN play it.
The reason it's laggy is because it takes longer to download and view, so as such instead of it downloading quicker than you can view the vid, you view it quicker than it downloads.
Sorry, my question was assuming the video is fully loaded and ready to go, and it still plays back laggy. I know it takes two or three times longer to load, but loading is not the problem for this guy
Then it's probably because you don't have either enough power in the GPU to play the vid back at normal speed, or there isn't enough video RAM to also play the video back at normal speed. It may even be a mixture of the two.
why would internet come into the equation? you can download the video fully BEFORE playing it?

Or is my understanding incorrect?

For example then, my internet is only 1meg and thats slow for a connection in england, but i can play HD perfectly...................................... after its loaded that is
Probably the video card.. Make sure drivers are updated, as well.

But from what I'm seeing, the video card is pretty old. I have a Radeon 9550 in an old machine of mine and it can barely handle a 1680x1050 monitor on XP without lagging a little.
As title, wasnt sure where to put this so i put it here.

Its not a problem im having but in another forum i visit one guy said his pc(which is pretty old, 2600amd 1.5gb ram, radeon 9200 256mb) wouldnt run a youtube hd video without being laggy.

So what exactly is needed to run a youtube hd video? good processor/gpu?it cant be internet because you can simply pause any video until its fully loaded and THEN play it.
Is he using Flash 10.1 beta? it uses the GPU.
Well for one thing when I use youtube to upload, download and even play normal or regualr HD video, it really come downs to how big is the video file itself and how long it is.
WShat you can try to to do before you go to again, flush out any cache,temporary files in IE or FF browsers defragg the hdd once, and do not have any other programs that will interfere with playback of the back of the video.
Keep in mind that you wiil want to limit your brwsers tabs to (2) only, also relaize that other websites that are open and big and have a lot content junk will cause youtube playback to stutter especially if the at site is flash enabled.
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