Your Tech Forums experience

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Ah, memories.

I joined to post some builds and recieve feedback on ideas and the like. I am still a noobie in many ways seeing as i can have a complete thought but when it comes to typing it, well, I clutter a lot of what I say.

So, I tend to read alot more than I reply which is probably why my post count is so low, if some one said anything that I was going to say or even debate, i nod in my head and move on. The Tech Forums has been a spot in my favirotes since my latter experience on the G4 forums went down the drain once a lot of the tech shows related to there forums went down as well.

So, I stuck around offering advice and learning a great deal. I know it's going to take a lot before I am truly a good technician, I still look at some of the threads questioning the minor details. As one of my friends said, "if it works, don't mess with it." but since the tech forums I have a reply, "well it works, yah, but if you do this you can make it work better!"

Oh, the heated debates. Good times!
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