Your Christmas wish list.

How about my mom get her Social Security Disability like she needs and deserves? That's all I want. And if her settlement check for it is big enough, I'll get enough money for my dream rig. And both of us will have enough money to live happy. And I'll have my career.
i would like a camera, considering i dont have one, or something to do with accoutning, anything to do with it really, as long as it benefits me when i go to college.
Lol got to love that line.

What I want is my two front teeth! =D

ok no seriously.. Uhm.
What I would like is possibly.. I don't know really.. I would like a sound system for my car.

Well.. For the car I will be getting 0.o

I should just get like.. $500 in cash and be good.. lol.
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