You can't create a folder with this name!!!!

The Bush hid the facts thing is a UNICODE bug if I remember rightly. Don't know if it's still there in Vista because my machine running Vista blew up :mad:
It's somthing to do with ports.. you can make a folder called LPT1, CON, COM1, COM2 etc :) I do like rep... :D
samurai said:
It's somthing to do with ports.. you can make a folder called LPT1, CON, COM1, COM2 etc :) I do like rep... :D
it all makes sense now
Mattyl110792 said:
That works with anything taht has the same combination, for example, first word 4 letters, 2nd word 3, 3rd word 3 and 4th work 5 this..

"asds sds jjf ututu"

Does work for me, the bush thing changes but that doesn't. weird!

This is a cool site for finding similar things
I can confirm that the bush hid the facts bug doesn't work in Vista notepad.

It still won't let me name a folder CON in Vista, though.
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