You can keep your SSD...I'm getting a DNA

There's an idea. Make a backup of yourself while you sleep so if u get sick you can just restore yourself to the day before. Even do a selective restore where u keep your memories but restore ur health.
This is odd but a unique subject. but i don't think implanting usb in our body to transfer data would be a good idea. But if its crazy m and if it ever actually happened o.0
This. Even if it becomes feasible in a couple of decades to store data this way, I'd imagine the random access speeds would truly suck (since DNA is after all a sequence) and it wouldn't be useful as an everyday hard drive, only as a magnetic tape replacement.
This is only true to a certain extent ... or rather just not quite true. :)

Think transcription. Segments of DNA are copied (much like computer data read?) not from the first available segment, but from whichever segment applicable, given the right promoter clearance. On top of this, transcription and translation can happen simultaneously; transcription and transcription can also happen simultaneously; there will also be realistic uses for post-transcriptional modification -- it is all very flexible.
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