I have ABIT KT7A-Raid m/board and an Athlon XP 1800 and an NVidua GeForce MX 440 on MS XP (no service pack installed yet). The first time I boot the system it starts okay and then after subsequent reboots I either get blank screen after the XP logo's, a message of IRQ not less but equal.....error message or a message that the NVidia driver appears to be messing with the OS and do I want to send MS a report. I have tried all of the drivers available from NVidia including the Detonator ones, the drivers on the video cards cd without luck. When it is up I cant set to anything more than 1024x768 and anything run with detailed graphics craps out. After a couple of reboots gets worse and the only way so far to fix is re-install.
Any suggestions would be appreciated
Any suggestions would be appreciated