Wow...some people...

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So let me get this straight: the recount is over, right? Franken won? :p There are no more recounts? No more florida reenactments? :p

The whole thing was a sham anyways - a hoax - popular vote hasn't counted for years.

The powers that be decided that popular vote was too much of a risk when we need a particular guy in office, so they created the Electoral College. So now America is like a Republic of a Republic.

Electoral College (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Um...yeah...except I'm talking about a senate race. Popular vote kind of matters in a senate race.

I know what the Electoral College is, mate.

Lizard People?????

I am still waiting for the remake / continuation of this series to come out. The producers keep talking about it as if it's going to come out later in the year. However they have been saying this for the last 3 or 4 years now.
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