WinXP shutdown help

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Solid State Member
Hi, Im now using WinXP pro and when I shutdown it doesnt turn the comp off automaticly, it just says "It is now safe to switch off your PC" (just like the old days) and I have to press the power button to turn it off. But its really annoying coz I never had to do it in good old 2k. Does anyone know how to fix this? Id appreciate it.
Thanks for the help :)
Ok so I checked and Ive already got the latest bios for my mobo, but I flashed it after winXP was put on so it sounds like I have to do that refresh install. So do I just put the xp cd in at boot and tell it to re-install? Or is it just repair? I wont have to reformat my HD right? Just want to make sure..
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