Which game let you down?

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Monster Techie
I was thinking of how some games get alot of hype and how that can translate into a less than stellar gaming experience..

My biggest letdown was Daikatana after 4+ years in developement i expected much more than a horde of robot frogs.:rolleyes: Not to mention the horrendous AI.
Three games immediately come to mind:

Aquanox - sure, the graphics are stunning.. but the unintuitive, repetitive gameplay and the horrible voice acting just ruined the game.

CnC Renegade - what I was expecting to be the best multiplayer game in years turned out to be a mediocre single player game with tacked-on multiplayer support that held my interest for about an hour.

Grand Theft Auto 3 - WHERE'S THE MULTIPLAYER? Sure, it's kinda fun in single player mode, but the main attraction to GTA1 and GTA2 was the multiplayer.
Mortyr - EXTREMELY poor AI (seriously!), mixed bag in the graphics side (stunning environments, low polygon count on models), and pointless gameplay. The game practically tries to imitate Wolf3D, which I believe was released about 8 years earlier.

Daikatana - Gameplay didn't live up to my expectations, plus many quirks in the game let it down. (At one time Ion Storm burned nearly $900,000 just for advertising).
what suprises me about all these posts is that a lot of poeple are answering this thread with how they base the ENDING Of the game as to why they are let down by the game.

Now i wonder, what do people really think is going to happen at the end of the game? really... it's a game, you finsihed it, congradulate yourself, and move on.... do people think they are going to get a phone call from the develpoers congratulatnig them, or that their TV set will bounce around and somethign special uiis going to happen to them.... People remeber, its just a game....

the importance of the game is the game play, not the special effects that happen after you are done playing the game...

some people had some valid posts on here about bad game play... but i wonder what the other people expectations of a game ending are supposed to be..
Resident evil: code veronica(just like the old ones only worst on a more powerful console, final fantasy 9 (except the aeons FMV's ^^) and broken sword 3 (too many box puzzles :/)
thats my opinion like but hey i guess this threats all about opinions
StarCraft BroodWar let me down. My little brother is 8 and he
beat the campagn in less than 4 days. playing only 3 hours a day.
Way to short a game.
asupertech said:
what suprises me about all these posts is that a lot of poeple are answering this thread with how they base the ENDING Of the game as to why they are let down by the game.

You listen to Linken Park :-
(SING) "I tried so hard and got so far, But in the end, It doesn't even matter,"

asupertech said:
Now i wonder, what do people really think is going to happen at the end of the game? really... it's a game, you finsihed it, congradulate yourself, and move on.... do people think they are going to get a phone call from the develpoers congratulatnig them, or that their TV set will bounce around and somethign special uiis going to happen to them.... People remeber, its just a game....

Part of it is that when you infinish some thing, you would like to feel that you have been rewarded completing the game. Not just some thing like "Guess What..... you've done all this and it all for nothing."
UNREAL - You crash land on this planet. The only thing you want to do is get off this mud ball. You spend about 20 hours or so trying everything possible. You fight the big bad... You finally get into the space ship, only to run out of gas when you get into orbit. It's just a let down.

HALFLIFE - I think this game won GAMES SPOT'S AWARD for the most suckiest ending as you are given 2 options. JOIN US or DIE! Again another let down after spending HOURS just trying to get out of Black Mesa Complex (not to mension the worse day of your life). Another let down.

HALFLIFE : OPPOSING FORCES - Same as HALFLIFE, only that it the bad guys that have the choice of DO WE KILL YOU or DO WE KEEP YOU. Bigger let down. PLUS the KILLER WALL just sucked as an end boss.

Of course, there is games like the Silent Hill Series, but when the whole object of the game is that you are going to hell and you are repenting for your sins.... what can you expect....

The reason why I bi+ch about the ending of the game is that it is the last memory that i would have that game.

Now there is the game FREE SPACE 2 where you die at on the last mission as there is a sun that goes super nova, and you are caught in the blast. But at least there you death had a purpose as your were able to save the human race for getting killed. It not the Unreal or Halflife situation where your character is not much better off than where he started at.
Well seriously, the first think that comes into my when some one mensions HALF LIFE to it "SUCKY ASS ENDING" followed by "IT WAS A GREAT GAME."
kboy said:
Nice Response Silesia, I didn't really care for asupertech's input. Pretty lame!

what was lame about it? seriously, its a game, sure you play it for like 20 hours maybe 40.. but its just a game... I dont understand why people complain about the end....
did you finish the game.. that is the acomplishent... congrats, go get a soda and celebrate...

do you create games? if you do cool make something that you think is a great ending... or better yet.. please explain to me what you think a suitable ending for Half life (one of the best games ever) i thought the ending was fine.... you played the game, suit guy talks to you roll credits... whats wrong with that?

i play the game to play the game, and enjoy the action for what it is while playing... not to see what the ending is going to be like...
my memory of the game is how the game play was, not how the last few seconds of the game are... rediculous to base a games' worth on that....

Silesia and Kboy..... please answer this...
seriously what is a suitable ending for Half life to you guys, if you could recreate the ending of half-life to suit your needs for assurance that you were good enough to play the game... what would you do? taking into acount that you can only use the programing tools that are avaiable now.

I await your answer.
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