Which Forum?


So I'm starting a forum for a project, and there a lot to choose from. Let me know which you like the best and why. What features make it better than the others? Thanks guys!

Oh yeah, it needs to be free, too!
phpBB is probably the best. It's highly customizable, and through mods you can easily add things, like subtopics etc. It's also really easy to setup and get everything together.

In my opinion, it's one of the best forum boards out there, probably on par if not better than VBulletin.
Invision isn't bad, but it's too hard to set up if you're new to the stuff.

Also, VBulletin costs money and spank_fusion said that it has to be FREE! :)
Yeah, VBulletin and Invision aren't free. That's why they aren't listed. If I had the money, I would most likely go with VBulletin, but yeah. Well, hmmm..... I'll check out PhpBB then. Thanks for the advice.
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