where to get cd labels and covers etc ...........HELP I'M NEW

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Beta member
:confused: Help me please im new to the copying gtame and need some advice...........;) where do i get labels and covers from online and for FREE!! the free is a must as i hate paying fer things online as we all know there is always a free version the same or at least similar.....if anyone can help i'd be sooooooooooo grateful and may even send u a cd cover or a label f ur lucky!!!:D :) ;)

Thanks alot people and im sure this message board can help ;)luke!!
:confused: Help me please im new to the copying gtame and need some advice...........;) where do i get labels and covers from online and for FREE!! the free is a must as i hate paying fer things online as we all know there is always a free version the same or at least similar.....if anyone can help i'd be sooooooooooo grateful and may even send u a cd cover or a label f ur lucky!!!:D :) ;)

Thanks alot people and im sure this message board can help ;)luke!!
www.lnkworld.com has some good links to CDcover pages, an as for the software, I woldan't recomend buying one exclusivly for labeling, burning programs like nero, easyCD Creator etc have lable design programs.
sweeeeeet Debaser, we are all doing it for fun and not as a contest ;) the important thing is to help, not to get there first.. I guess..

cdcovers.cc is the best, though this guy is making the covers by hisself, and have very realistic covers.. and he is doing them before cdcovers have the official ones, so it very good:

there are servel more, when cdcovers.cc gets offline:

cheers m8, and welcome to Tech Forums.
hope you'll have a blast :D
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